We are loving Pretzel's addition and he is an awesome kitten. I promised to send you some pictures and if you would please pass along to the lady that was the foster mom for Pretzel's litter that she did a wonderful job of socializing him. Our lab "Cash" loves Pretzel and by all appearances, it is mutual. Such a loving and relaxed kitten. His markings are just beautiful. From everything that we read, this is a pretty quick adjustment for not only Pretzel, but for our existing pets as well. We had no idea what to expect since Lucky was hand raised from 2 weeks old and is 18 months old now. ~ Thank you for everything, Charlotte and Jerry

I thought you would like an update on TC, she has turned out to be a perfect cat for us. TC has adapted to her new home without any issues. She is very smart, loving and seems to have adopted both of us. Every day she is more comfortable in the motorhome and more confident in her new world. Thanks for all the good work you do for all these wonderful creatures. Come by and see TC in her new home, we will be in TGO until April first. ~ Tom, Jane and TC

Frank and George (aka Spike)
The guinea pigs seemed to have adjusted to their new home. Lilly renamed the brown one Spike because she says “he’s brown like a porcupine and porcupines are spiky”….kid logic I guess! Sean says it sounds like they have mafia names LOL. The first time they started popcorning in their cage I about died laughing! They get all excited and start squeaking when they know they are about to be fed…especially if they hear the fridge door opening in the mornings. Sean recently took a scrap piece of fleece and put it in their cage as a sort of tent for them to run through and they love it! It is so funny to watch them do laps in their cage when they get excited. Lilly really enjoys them and taking care of them. Hope you are having a great holiday season and thanks again!!

Kanny and Mona
Mona, and her buddy, Kanny, found themselves in an unfortunate set of circumstances, something that’s all too common these days. Their person had had both since they were kittens but decided to give them up because she could no longer afford them as she and her boyfriend were both out of work, she already has a child and is expecting again in February. Fortunately, the owner was willing to continue keeping the cats at home and supplied with food and litter while we tried to find them new homes. Although she had been bringing them to adoptions at PetSmart on the weekends, she had to stop as it was getting too difficult for her to transport them in her condition. The cats also did not show well in cages at the store. The clock was ticking and they only had until mid-February to be rehomed or be taken to the county shelter.
Then, all of a sudden, along came an angel: a wonderful woman. She had contacted me about Mona and asked about adopting her as she had recently lost her 18 year-old kitty to cancer. I informed her that, yes, Mona was available and sent her an application, which she quickly completed and returned. It was one of the best applications I’ve received with frank and forthright answers – there was no doubt about this woman. I also told her Mona’s and Kanny’s story and without hesitating, to which she replied: “I am so very sorry for the owner and I can't imagine being in that situation! So if Kanny is also available, I will take them both. It breaks my heart to think one would be given a furever home and the other one not only would eventually also find a furever home, but would then have to deal without their best buddy of so many years!!! So if it is ok with you and the owner, I will take Kanny also. I will bring a large kitty carrier that can hold both of them with me on Friday. And please assure the owner should their situation ever change and she decides she would like to get her furbabies back, as difficult as it would be for me, I would return them to her. But, there is always room for one more in a situation like this!”
So, on a recent Friday morning, we met at the owner’s house and went in to meet her and the kitties. Both Mona and Kanny walked over to us – something they never did while at PetSmart, and hung around while we completed some additional paperwork. We then rounded them up and off they went to their new, FOREVER home.
At last report, both are doing well and getting accustomed to their new surroundings, although KanKan Kanny is the only one brave enough to venture out of the bedroom. Miss Moni Mona, as I call her, is quite content to prop herself on a pillow on my headboard and stay there, unless she curls up in the bathroom sink! They aren't overly impressed with my kitties yet, however they aren't bothered by the dogs.

Gerard is a very large male Maine Coon mix who originally abandoned in a feral colony in 2009 and at the time we had no room to take him in. But in the fall of 2009 we had room and took him in. We adopted him to a lovely couple on Merritt Island in early 2010. The wife (Ann) took a nasty spill at home earlier this summer and had a head injury. Gerard rehabilitated her upon arrival home. Here is the following in her words from their message to us:
They say animals don't understand, but we have a shining example to the contrary. Several weeks ago I slipped, hit my head on a tile floor and was taken to the hospital. This was the first time we left Gerard alone for the ten hours it took. When we returned, entering the house we could hear Gerard howling and trying to open the door. Once in the house Gerard quickly examined me by sniffing and licking me. He spent at least eight hours sleeping next to me with his paw on my shoulder. He is so unlike any other pet we have ever had!

I just wanted to update you on Panda and send you some pictures of her and her new best friend, Olive. We took our time introducing the two of them - for the first few days Panda stayed in her own room and we periodically put Panda in the cat carrier and took her to meet Olive. After they both seemed comfortable with that, they advanced to supervised visits without the carrier, which became more and more frequent. After many days of that, Olive and Panda became great friends. They like to sleep near each other, play together and they even give each other baths. Olive seems really happy to have another cat to play with and Panda loves to try to make Olive chase her. Thanks again for the chance to adopt Panda - we love having her in our home! ~ Stephanie

Dot was adopted in April 2010, when she was about 7 months old, after being in a loving foster home since kittenhood. She was adopted by a very nice lady that had been without a cat-pal for a few years and dearly missed having the companionship! She now enjoys all-day company and affection, she is very pampered and spoiled! Their living room looks like childrens’ day care center, with all her toys and jungle-gyms! Dot is a sweet wonderful little lady, she deserves to be spoiled & her new mommy loves her very much!

Sampson and Delilah had a very scary experience before their rescue into our safe arms! But thankfully a guardian angel watched over them thru some terrible weeks and their second chance at life was well worth it! Given up to the county shelter in Feb 2010, at 5 years old, these beautiful siblings waited a terrifying week for someone to save them. At the shelter, they became sick and were then facing the worse fate of all. A rescuer heard of their dilemma & went for them. They came to a caring foster home and were nursed back to good health for the next month. Once healthy again, up for adoption they went and came along the most wonderful couple & they were looking just for them! Sampson and Delilah now live in a very comfy home, enjoy a fireplace and a warm lap during cold months and are loved & cherished beyond imagination. They are the “stars” of the family, as they well deserve to be!

Bob is a big male kitty with an uncanny resemblance to a bobcat. And he is definately the size of one. Bob is a big fella! He was found in an apartment complex in the rain. He followed a young girl up her stairs and walked right into her apartment! But poor Bob could not stay there. Her dog was just not happy about this new arrival. So we took Bob into foster care, got him all ofhis medical care (and neutered!) and put Bob up for adoption. A wonderful woman saw this big lug of a cat and adopted him. He is now living a very spoiled life inside - and forever out of the rain. And he even has a "brother", her indoor rabbit named Carmel. At first we thought maybe his cat instincts would kick in and he might chase Carmel. But he was a bit afraid of him instead! Amazing! Bob is now a very spoiled and cherished member of the family!
"Thank you for bringing Bob into my life. Actually I call him Brody. He doesn’t seem to mind. He has become very comfortable in my home. He is very active at night with his toys, but that’s okay. He is still a little timid around my rabbit, but he is trying to be his friend. As you can see by the picture, he is already spoiled. He is a big mush!!!"

Georgie and Sampson
Georgie is a big 2 year old brown tabby that lived in Titusville. When he was a kitten, he was injured somehow and lost the use of one of his front legs. His owners never got poor Georgie the vet care he needed. So Georgie's leg became useless and dragged behind him. When they decided to move, they threw Georgie outside and left without him. Luckily Georgie found one of the neighbors to feed him. But she could not take him in due to family allergies. But she sure cared about this poor fellow and sent out emails to all of the cat rescue groups asking for help. And she was very smart - she included a picture of Georgie's face and his deep, soulful eyes. One of our volunteers saw his face and called right away! She could not resist him! Her vet recommended amputating his leg at the shoulder, so he would not have to drag it around. Once the operation was done and he had recovered, you could just tell how happy Georgie was to have his usless leg gone! He could walk, lay down easier - and even jump now. He caught the eye of a nurse who wanted a buddy for her cat. She felt Georgie tug at her heart and she adopted him. Now Georgie and Sampson (her first cat) are the best of buddies. And Georgie will never know what it is like to ever suffer outside,alone again. Her is a quote from his new mom:
"Hi Cathy, just to let you know George, or as we call him "Georgie"! is doing fine.He is best "buds" with my other orange cat Sampson. They chase each other around the house together, and sometimes take "cat" naps, together!"
I needed a companion for Cleo who was about 8 months old and not very active. I checked Petfinder.com and looked at a lot of picture of kittens. I really lucked out with this kitten. He was into everything, as curious as a cat can be and got into trouble from time to time. But he was so cute, I enjoyed all his transgressions. He taught Cleo how to play and watching them interact was delightful entertainment for me. They are certainly having fun.
I have a sister who thought she hated cats, but he won her over, and she considered kitnapping and taking him to Maine. I mentioned that they likely have kittens in Maine, because I'm not giving this beautiful guy to anyone. Naturally, having Cleopatra required a fitting name for her friend, so his name is Caesar. I would recommend two kitten or cats. ~ Charlotte

Patches was abandoned in a feral colony. This poor girl, who is NOT feral was so scared! We took her into rescue and she was adopted out. A few years later, the woman who adopted her wanted to give her up. Her husband had died and she was his cat. So Patches came back into foster care. Then a wonderful woman saw her on Petfinder. She drove up to meet her and a perfect match was made! Patches now lives with her new mom, Linda and her "brother" Cotton (a Bichon!). She is so happy to be part of a loving family!